Episode 72
Don't Rage Quit the Yawhg
August 22nd, 2014
2 hrs 10 mins 42 secs
About this Episode
Kole, Ben, David, and Jala talk about Atari's horror reveals, The Yawhg, and we do an action-packed free-play multi-player.
- Hatoful Boyfriend delayed.
- Fridays at Freddy's
- Night Trap Kickstarter.
- Toy Soldiers: War Chest.
- Occupy Guild Wars 2.
- Alone in the Dark, Haunted House, RE-ReMake.
- PlayStation Share limited to 60 minutes.
- Reddit has an Xbox One app.
- Brother/Sister gaming memories?
- Guilty Gaming?
- Asymmetrical multiplayer?
- Games and literature.
- Jala: Contrast. Saturday Morning RPG.
- Ben: Portal 2. WATCH_DOGS.
- David: Dark Souls. Resident Evil 6.
- Kole: Shovel Knight. The Yawhg. Rock Band. Alone in the Dark.