Episode 511
If You Like Those, It's One of Them
August 11th, 2024
1 hr 52 mins 41 secs
About this Episode
Kole, Ben, Dennis, and Moxie talk about 7 Days to Die, Fortnite: Reload, Stellaris, and much more!
The Grind:
- Kole: 7 Days to Die.
- Dennis: Roboquest. Fortnite: Reload. iRacing.
- Moxie: Stellaris. Warframe.
- Ben: Beat Saber. Hi-Fi Rush.
The Multiplayer:
- What games took the biggest risks?
The End Boss:
- GameStop shuts down Game Informer.
- Until Dawn is getting a movie adaptation.
- Diablo IV glitch made permanent.
- Sega made an arcade game without a computer or a screen.